Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales Catholiques
F.I.A.M.C. Annual Day Report
10 March 2019
The F.I.A.M.C. Annual Day was planned on 10 March 2019 along with the valedictory function of the current participants .The Healthcare Ethics course was started in July 2004.The event was organized to connect with the alumni who had done the course since 2004. The objective was to understand the implementation status of the course, participant expectations and gather feedback on future course of action for strengthening the ethical aspects in all walks of life through course
learning implementation.
The participants were contacted through calls, emails and post. A total of 80 participants were present for the function. The programme started with mass celebrated by Fr. Stephen Fernandes. Dr. Nicholas Antao welcomed the past and present participants and conveyed his objective of planning the event for all. The speakers for the sessions Adv. Joaquim Reis spoke on Beauty of Reconciliation, Dr. Conrad Vas on Ethical Issues Related to Medical care and Dr Anukant Mital
on Caregivers Conundrum. The speakers interacted with the audience during the sessions and expounded well the theme and the key issues. There was an enthusiastic and participative response from the audience who showed keen interest in discussing and putting forth their dilemmas, queries and suggestions.
The interaction with the past participants was the next important focus of the event. Participants discussed the ways that they used their course learnings in hospitals and schools. The points that came forth for the interaction .
Course was attended for self-awareness
Course Learning used to make other communities aware of abortion, helped to solve domestic problems
Those active in social work have benefitted from the course
Organ donation awareness in churches done through FIAMC
Queries on IVF and Surrogacy use of the information in school if it is advisable
Palliative care centre in Vasai were examples of how implementation of ethics is important .The Doctors have done the course with us.
Online forum to counsel people of their problem
Assistance to connect where there is a requirement for ethical
Refresher training on ethics is required
The event proceeded with the valedictory function of the current batch. 25 participants from the batch were certified. The participants presented their projects on A) Yes to Life, No to Abortion B) Mental Health C) Child Sex Abuse & Drug Abuse D) Palliative Care E) IVF. The certificates were presented to them. Dr. Nicholas Antao closed the annual day by thanking each one present An appeal was made to stay connected and F.I.A.M.C. would plan future trainings, collaborative
programmes, assistance and guidance for the groups. A group has been created of the past participants to stay linked and connected.
The Annual day ended with Fellowship lunch.